Thursday 7 July 2011

Flipback Books

Yes!  Flipback books are being released in New Zealand next week but we have one already.  Come and take a look....

Thursday 30 June 2011

Duchess of Cambridge & Jane Austen are Cousins!

Yes, it's true!  Our beloved Jane Austen and Kate are related.  Well, to be fair they aren't closely related, they are 11th cousins, 6 times removed.....

The Attribution Song

Why do you need to cite sources in your work?
 This catchy song by Nina Paley tells you why.

Wednesday 29 June 2011

How to draw like your favourite illustrator

The Guardian website have a series called "How To Draw". 

They have asked well known authors and illustrators to teach their readers how to draw something.  For example Nick Sharratt (illustrator of Jacqueline Wilson's books) shows you how to draw a character.  Have a go, it's great fun!


They aren't paperbacks or hardbacks, they are flipbacks!  They open from the top and are about the same size as an Iphone.  These books have been big in Europe for the last 18 months.  The books are being released in New Zealand on 12 July and titles include:

My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Misery by Stephen King
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell

Have a look at the books via this link: